Single Review—What Do You Wanna Be By Young Folkies and Ziggity Zag
Cheer Up Ye Kids! Choose Your Career Happily And Here Is The List – Young Folkies and Ziggity Zag Collaborate To Help Kids Choose Their Career
In this delightful cross-Atlantic collaboration, “What Do You Wanna Be?”, children’s music artists Young Folkies (London, UK) and Ziggity Zag Music (NH, USA) present a melodious treat for little ones playing around us. I found this single a vibrant and engaging track, which the artists have designed to inspire and empower children. The simple but powerful lyrics enjoin the kids to dream big about their future careers. There is a lot of fun, imagination, and melody in this song. Of course! Inviting young listeners to explore a wide range of career options from a surprising list makes this song stand out in the world of children’s music.

The song kicks off with an infectious energy that captivates you instantly, and the artists are able to sustain it until the last note. This unique kind of collaboration successfully blends together different styles of music and as a result, they end up creating a unique and appealing sound you will fall in love with thoroughly. The tempo is upbeat and the rhythm is catchy, making this tune irresistible for children, who will surely want to listen to it many times. The production quality is amazing, which has brought out every musical note in a crisp and clear fashion. There is a bubbling joy all through and it makes this song enjoyable by all.
The lyrics of “What Do You Wanna Be?” are creative and inspirational. The narrative in the song takes the kids on a journey to explore a wide variety of career options. From astronauts and doctors to teachers and artists, how the song has been able to pack in such a versatile list of professions within this little space is something to marvel at. So, the artists’ intention is to broaden children’s career perspectives and introduce them to off-the-beaten paths to consider options they might not have thought of before. The suggestion of becoming a Ghostbuster adds playfulness and fun to the song, making this composition easily relatable to kids.
Take Away
Upbeat songs are effective and interesting tools to inspire kids like nothing else. In these lines, the energy springing from this magical composition allures the young and the old alike to get infected with a rare kind of passion. I would say, Young Folkies and Ziggity Zag Music have together invented a magical composition, that parents will love to make their kids listen to. In motivating the kids to believe in themselves and their dreams, this track achieves a wonderful purpose, which I am sure you too will agree with when you listen to it yourself.
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