Album Review—Sonic Landscape by The Song Gardeners
True Joy Lies In Giving Whatever Is Your Best To The World – Reflections On ‘Sonic Landscape’
‘Sonic Landscape’ is an inspiring release for me, especially because this album has gathered a collection of my favorite songs that The Song Gardeners have created throughout their journey. Naturally, it felt awesome for me when I heard these songs in fresh formats they have adopted for the sake of entering this collection. Every new release by The Song Gardeners raises the bar of expectations, setting new standards that they inevitably surpass with subsequent releases.
The Song Gardeners’ tagline, “Music With A Message,” has brought them universal fame, and each of their musical offerings is coupled with a powerful mission for their followers. In the world of music production, Corrie Dunn and Mary Gospe create a versatile and brilliant team, becoming the leaders in the genre of conscious, new age, and inspirational music. The hallmarks of their sonic world are uplifting messages, spiritual themes, and motivating personal growth.
Now The Song Gardeners are releasing their second album, ‘Sonic Landscape’, consisting of eight singles released previously, which producer David Scheibner has specially remastered to heighten the audience’s listening experience. These songs make a plea to the hearer’s heart to share their exceptional gifts with the world. The auditory treat empowers you to live from a place of gratitude, harnessing your internal guidance. If you are new to the duo’s musical repertoire, listening to this album will make you instantly fall in love with their musical prowess.

What Is In Store In The Tracks?
1. Present
The first song is a grand opening to the wealth of musical experience the album stores in its tunes. The spirit of the message echoes the concept of ‘mindfulness’ advocated by Buddhism, Taoism, and some modern mindfulness practices. The notes move you to discover a deep connection with the world around you, characterized by gratitude and guidance from within.
2. Send Love to Everyone (Heal The Divide)
Incidentally, the second track is the most recent single the band has composed. The song makes a plea to open hearts and heal the divisions in the world to reinvent a place of gratitude and compassion for all life on this earth. The second track is all the more lovable, thanks to the special contributions by Mary’s husband, Mike Gospe (on mandolin), and son, singer-songwriter Zach Gospe, on backing vocals.
3. Talking to Trees
Many of life’s precious gifts are connected to the life-sustaining forces known as ‘trees.’ Therefore, gratitude towards trees is not merely an option but an obligation that binds us all. The mellow, ambient music in this track is soothing and reinforces the values of love and gratefulness.
4. More of This
The fourth track is an admirable composition for its connection with the ideas of joy, peace, love, harmony, and unity. The elements of a funky pop dance song and disco make it all the more interesting. So, you start wishing for more good things in life, not only for yourself but for all life on this earth.
5. Future Lives
What the future holds for us and for the generations that will succeed us is uncertain. However, ‘Hope’ is something that will keep the light glowing in our hearts while we continue to travel with time. The tunes of this joyous song remind us that we must remain as curious as a child to embrace our authentic selves and share whatever is our best with the world.
6. April Sky
The notes for this pop dance song read that the composition is meant to celebrate our celestial neighbors, thanking the beautiful sights of the Milky Way Galaxy and the astrological guidance we get from the stars, constellations, and planets.
7. The Little Things
The music style of the seventh track ‘The Little Things’ is a gospel-inspired one. There are a lot of ‘little things’ in this world that make this earth a better place to live for all of us and we are obliged to thank them. This is a robust and joyful song you will find fresh every time you come back to it.
8. Within
There can’t be a better title for the closing song of this album that reminds us of the essence of all spiritual pursuits: to listen to our inner voice (intuition) and discover the unique gifts contained within us like love, compassion, and gratitude. The song feels dreamy with the atmospheric elements heightening its impact.
Take Away
Every new release by The Song Gardeners raises the bar of expectations, setting new standards that they inevitably surpass with subsequent releases. The group’s passion for inspiring the world with meaningful messages is truly inspiring. ‘Sonic Landscape’ embodies this dedication in both letter and spirit. This album serves as a companion for lifting your spirits and staying true to your commitment to others. It’s an exceptional work by them, and I’m confident you’ll share my sentiments when you listen to these songs.