Review of Starlight Dreams by Karen Biehl

I love it when musicians and all types of artists try to implement their art like mathematics to solve the problems of the real world. It makes the art relevant, applicable and fulfilling its true purpose. Otherwise, what would metrical words, stringed sounds, and diffused colors achieve for any human if not but make him/her feel relaxed, creative, or at least intrigued to find a deeper meaning, reflection or message? The need for such art is more acute in the modern age than it has even been in the history of mankind, and artists working towards this goal are nothing short of angels, for, they bring cure, healing and calm to the world.
In her first album, Karen Biehl has tried to awaken that latent inquisitiveness in the listener, and also to stabilize the energy by experience meditative equilibrium. It is like taking first few steps of finding a ‘new you’ and then trying to master the potential so that you could change your life like you always wanted. Music is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools shock someone from the slumber, and Karen has used it effectively through vibrant sounds of the piano.

Album Name: Starlight Dreams
Artist’s Name: Karen Biehl
Total Time: 44:17
The first thing I noticed about the songs in the album was that they tell lyrical stories. For me, it is the perfect experience because it helps me tremendously to relate to the music given that I am totally uninitiated in any form of classical music, and especially when it comes to listening to a solo instrument.
Generally, I prefer music having the power to take the listener to a journey, a kind of mindfulness, so that the intent with which the composer created the music, could be delivered in possibly hundreds of ways, for every listener will have his/her own perception. For what else the artists do art–to explore innumerable possibilities and getting amazed at every one of them!
If you look at the names of the individual tracks, you will feel a lot of movement and dynamism. ‘Promenade,’ ‘On Angel Wings,’ ‘Raindrops,’ and ‘Autumn Awakening’ are all promising activity, vigor, and energy. When you listen to these tracks, you will actually feel that Karen has done justice to these names with her lively music.
My favorite piece is ‘Autumn Amble.’ It suits my personality–I just love the feeling of randomly ambling, thinking deeply and mindfully lost in lovely music. And this is just the piece I would require!
For proper meditation, there are two tracks, while the second is just the extended version of the first–Meditation on a Moonlit Lake. The tracks are rather short and the listeners will definitely feel asking for more, and hopefully, Karen will continue to share her dreams, her creative power, and her channeling energy with the listeners in the future too.
Overall, a brilliant collection of songs, and I love the intent with which it has been created. I wish Karen all success and wish more similarly wonderful music to her in the future!
Track Name | Duration |
Awakenings | 03:33 |
Invocation | 03:14 |
Union | 01:14 |
Meditation on a Moonlit Lake | 04:27 |
Chanson Des Vents | 03:59 |
On Angel Wings | 03:09 |
The Journey | 04:55 |
Raindrops | 05:08 |
Starlight Waltz | 02:31 |
Promenade | 03:01 |
Autumn Amble | 02:12 |
The Beginning | 02:20 |
Meditation on a Moonlit Lake (Full Version) | 04:34 |